List Poetry: Brainstorming my Podcast

Isabella Silvestre
2 min readMay 22, 2021
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

The poetic form I have chosen: The list poem (pg.359)

at least 1 poet/artists I am researching: Walt Whitman, George Ella Lyon

Which 2 influential ideas of form are present in my chosen principle for formal experimentation? “Governing idea of equality.” List poems may use simple lines and topics, but their meanings can be just as deep as any other different form of poetry. Sense of familiarity. Simplicity vs complexity.

What format are you considering? Solo podcast, Describe aspects of the form, then read poems and talk about them. Talk about the history of the form. When to use this form.

2 resources you’ve found (have your links ready to take us there):

2 guiding questions you have about this form: Why are modern poets attracted to this form? All poems need a title, but how is the title of a list poem especially important?

2 things you want your audience to learn from your podcast: The list poems true strength comes from how ordinary it is. The way that you read a poem out loud is very important to how it is understood.

Governing idea of equality

Why have Modern poets chose this form? Free verse triumphant

Walt Whitman (parallel constructions) long loose lines — i feel are a little easier to understand.

Allows for different points of view

Biblical times (genealogies in genesis, 10 commandments)

No lines nor meter to adhere to.

Raymond carvers “fear”

List poems have a topic and ideas.



Isabella Silvestre

Currently a junior in college pursuing my biology degree. I love learning new things and meeting new people! My medium page is focused on poetic form.